![Download Castle Verilian of Aeritus for Minecraft All](/images/3030/mc_maps_castle_verilian_of_aeritus.jpg)
The smallest and yet most detailed build I've done so far. Castle Verilian is nestled right in the middle of a large custom terraformed canyon surround by mountains. its 100% complete inside and out even including a secret passageway!
This build I wanted to work on my detailing, so I went smaller, focused on the custom terraforming with worldedit and voxelsniper and built until I was satisfied that it was complete inside and out.
I am very proud of this build and it is easily my second favorite, behind the current build I am working on.
This is part of my Aeritus Series of builds including Castle Lividus, and Castle Speiere.
-KCRafted (formerly KCRat, KyleCRat)