Find the Button: 10^3

for Minecarft v1.13.1 785 views

Download Find the Button: 10^3 for Minecraft 1.13.1

Find The Button 10^3 is a minecraft classic find the button map.

(You need to find a button on each level to go to the next level)

This map works in singleplayer and multiplayer mode.

There are some rules on the map you need to follow for more fun and better experience.

You will also get a Hint book where you have hints if you are stuck on a level.

Levels get harder as you progress.

On one level there is a hidden Easter egg.

If you like challenges you can search for it.

Hope you enjoy it!

Good Luck & Have Fun!


Download map Find the Button: 10^3 (2 mb)

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Published 30.09.2018 by FilipTheWise