Find the Button: The Experiment

for Minecarft v1.10.2 697 views

Download Find the Button: The Experiment for Minecraft 1.10.2

You are a test subject for the world's first ever VR headset. You are Dr. Jerry's test subject and to past the test you must find all the buttons.

There are 18 levels and 18 buttons you need to find.

Creators are SirCapitain and EnderDude2400.


  • 1. No cheating.
  • 2. Teleporting is allowed in multiplayer.
  • 3. No mods, Optifine is allowed.
  • 4. Set render distance to 12+.
  • 5. Play in adventure mode.
  • 6. Play in difficulty easy.
  • 7. HAVE FUN!
  • Screenshots

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    Published 18.03.2017 by SirCapitain/EnderDude2400