FTB - Biome 1.0

for Minecarft v1.19.2 174 views

Download FTB - Biome 1.0 for Minecraft 1.19.2

In this map you need to find buttons in 10 different biomes (most of them are from minecraft, but there is also few made by me, also biomes are updated with few of my own modifications).


  1. Forest
  2. Cave
  3. Candyland
  4. Islands 
  5. And more to find in the map

    Map created by Mijo987. I am from Croatia so sorry if i spelled anything wrong. This is my first ever map created and i hope it's good for you to play. Before makeing a map i studied command blocks for week and finally decided to make a map. It took me six days to make this map and i really tried my best. 


    If there are any problems with map i will try to fix it as soon as possible. You can tell me anything that you didn't like or did like in the comments. Thank you very much for downloading and playing this map.


    Download map FTB - Biome 1.0

    Find_The_Button_Biomes_1.19.zip (2 mb)

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    Published 14.09.2022 by Mijo_987