I 15 Tesori Minecraftiani 1.0

for Minecarft v1.16.5 756 views

Download I 15 Tesori Minecraftiani 1.0 for Minecraft 1.16.5

Note: the map is currently only in Italian, the English language will be added soon. (Nota: la mappa al momento è solo in lingua italiana, presto sarà aggiunta anche la lingua inglese.)

"I 15 Tesori Minecraftiani" is a Find the Button custom map for Minecraft Java 1.16.5, playable in 1 or 2 players. 15 buttons hidden in complex levels that don't make you crazy at all. But not only that, a story to follow, treasures to find, challenges to complete and many other secrets to search; at the end a final battle with strokes of buttons to click and swords. If you think you have found everything, there is probably more to discover.

On the other hand the map may still contain small programming errors; a lot of tests have been done to make it as playable as possible and I hope you won't encounter many obstacles. Otherwise, I invite you to point out these errors to make the gaming experience better.


  • F4bioFuri4: Builder & Co-Creator
  • Batko_: Translator
  • Sivyr: Illustrator
  • Screenshots

    Download map I 15 Tesori Minecraftiani 1.0

    I_15_Tesori_Minecraftian.zip (44 mb)

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    Published 24.03.2023 by DragonHeart104