Mining Adventure

for Minecarft v1.14.3 936 views

Download Mining Adventure for Minecraft 1.14.3

You can't die in this map. So keep that in mind when you play this map. If you're making a YouTube video on this map I can say that you probably will have to do a timelapse or cut the most boring parts out of the video since this map is very short but it takes a while to complete! So keep that in mind. The cave isn't haunted in any way, my explanations of this map might have sounded like a horror map but it isn't!

The Old Miner is the main character in this map (you're also the main character)! He will give you all of the orders on what to do. Some parts on this map might be hard to find so contact my email further down or where ever it's shown if you want the exact locations for all of the places in the map that are important! If you want some more maps you can show some support by subscribing to my YouTube channel, it would really help me!

Thanks for playing!


Email: [email protected]


Download map Mining Adventure (3 mb)

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Published 28.07.2019 by TheScrimsKnight