Ultimate FTB 1.0

for Minecarft v1.20 279 views

Download Ultimate FTB 1.0 for Minecraft 1.20

This is a Find the Button map like never before, with over 16 difficulties ranging from Practice to ????? and three levels on every difficulty this map has 48 levels, all unique and themed after both minecraft biomes as real world themes (with a fair share of fantasy levels).

General Info:

  • This map is about 1-1 1/2 hours long.
  • This map has a showstopping 48 levels.
  • The levels range from being 1 chunck to 16 chuncks.
  • There are 16 diffrent difficulties represented by the 16 colours minecraft has, however these difficulties are arbitrary and can be up for debate. 
  • Recommended gamemode is adventure, however feel free to cheat if you get stuck.
  • Make sure to think outside of the box!
  • Most importantly Have Fun!
  • This map was originally created for a few friends of mine, I have been making maps for them for years now, but this map is one I'm finially proud enough of to show of to the world. Feel free to tell me about any bugs or general improvements you would like to see regarding the map. Because I'm sure I will make another one in the near future.

    Naud <3


    Download map Ultimate FTB 1.0

    Ultimate_FTB.zip (8 mb)

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    Published 10.11.2023 by Naud