Dear Player,"There and Back; Bedrock Escape", is a youtube escape room. You will be put into survival mode on peaceful, and as long as you don't use cheats, pretty much anything is fair game. Oh! and also please play on single-player only.If you do the wrong things, it is possible to softlock and you'll be stuck in my maze forever muhahahaha! ... You'll be fine as long as you're careful, but make sure to keep a few backups just in case.Your goal: You win if you see a firework go off, any other "escapes" such as dying or falling out of the world don't count.Oh! expect this map to take over an hour. That's how long my 2 playtesters took while working together. It's a deceptively small map, but some parts can be pretty tricky. To help you, there are a few hints around the map if you get lost on what to do, but they won't tell you how to do them.Ok! I think that's everything, good luck out there!Sincerely,-oza2000