FLUR 17 is a short, 12-level "What Doesn't Belong" map
Even though this is my first map in years, this is not a beginner map, this map is most enjoyed after playing some other "What Doesn't Belong" maps.
Post commentary: Read after finishing the map.
It started out as an idea I had before I went to sleep. I laid in my bed just thinking of all the ways I could pull this off--all of the ways I could insult "What Doesn't Belong" mapmakers. So I quickly jotted down all my ideas and went to sleep. The next afternoon I had finished making base module, but that was only the beginning, I had seriously underestimated the mapmakers. It turns out, it's really hard to make sets like these. Especially with the way FLUR works. At the end of the 12'th level I had gained a new appreciation for the work people like Trevor do. If you cheated and read this all the way though before playing FLUR 17, go download and play it already!