Find the Button: Difficult

for Minecarft v1.12.2 529 views

Download Find the Button: Difficult for Minecraft 1.12.2

This is my first find the button map, although it is extremely difficult. I have had it play tested, and it tends to take about an hour to complete.

There are 10 stages, themed around a journey through different places in a Minecraft survival game.

Hosted by Gerald and Ckerzt/Curt, the stages become increasingly difficult as you continue. (Ps. Ckerzt is pronounced the same way as Curt, it’s an inside joke) Please enjoy your travel through caves, snow, the nether, and the end.

There are hint blocks to help you on your journey (Iron blocks), and I apologize in advance about Level 8, nether fortress.

There is no way to escape the map, so don't even try.

Make sure to read the rules and adjust the settings appropriately.

The file is a zipped folder, so you may have to uncompress the folder.

Download map Find the Button: Difficult (2 mb)

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Published 12.01.2018 by RedWolverinewon