Map Made By: Dominicthestar & kierewietje13
Finding adventure - nightmare edition is the next part of finding adventure!
This map was originally made for minecraft 1.11.2 and fully tested in that version. We also tested the map in 1.12 and found no bugs, but if you want to be sure to not run into bugs, you shoeld play in 1.11.2!
This map is The biggest find the button map in existance! But that's not what makes it unique... This map has something which many find the button maps lack. A storyline! You wake up in The grasslands, where you learn the beginning of the story! after the first world you proceed to the next, which is the dessert! you continue to learn more about 'some mysterious figure', who you get to know better in this version, until... Play the map to find out what happens!
What's in the map?
Important stuff
Contact us: [email protected]
Donate: IBAN: NL72 RABO 0163 6111 81
Website: We're planning to build one soon!