A map made by: dominicthestar & kierewietje13
Hello there! Me and my friend made a find the button map. his map has four worlds. Each world contains 10 levels. That makes a total of 40 levels of find the button fun!
You start of in world 1. you fight your way through, get the key and go to world 2. Etc.
Important Stuff
1. The map can be played with one to four people, But we reccomend two players.
2. Look below the donate button if you don't know how to install the map
3. Donations would be welcome! We use the money to pay our realm.
How to Install
1. Download the map.
2. Once you've downloaded the file, open it.
3. Search for the map "Finding Adventure".
4. Go to the %appdata% folder.
5. Double-click on the .minecraft folder.
6. Double click the "Saves" folder, All your minecraft worlds should be in here.
7. Add "Finding adventure" by dragging it into the saves folder.
8. Enjoy the map!!!