Star Wars: Find the Button

for Minecarft v1.12.2 1,344 views

Download Star Wars: Find the Button for Minecraft 1.12.2

After the successful launch of my Star Wars Dropper, I've continued the Star Wars themed map series with the latest installment, Star Wars Find the Button.

Map features six levels, representing each movie in the Star Wars saga.

After you spawn in the level, search for a button hidden within the map.

Map Trailer


Note: The command blocks are probably extremely buggy and will need to be updated. Please report any bugs.


  • Play in 1.12.2
  • If you record this, please credit my Youtube:
  • Difficulty: Peaceful
  • Rules

    • EPISODE 1: Naboo Hangar
    • EPISODE 2:Kamino Cloning Facilities
    • EPISODE 3: Docking Bay 327
    • EPISODE 5: Echo Base
    • EPISODE 6: Endor Landing Pad
    • Changelog


      - Complete overhaul of button system. Random teleportation bugs should be patched.
      - Changed button locations on level 3.


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      Published 10.06.2018 by John Ireland