The Black Jack card game recreated in Minecraft.
Aces may be counted as 1 or 11 points, 2 to 9 according to pip value, and tens and face cards count as ten points.
The value of a hand is the sum of the point values of the individual cards. Except, a "blackjack" is the highest hand, consisting of an ace and any 10-point card, and it outranks all other 21-point hands.
Play begins with the player to the dealer's left. The following are the choices available to the player:
Stand: Player stands pat with his cards.
Player draws another card (and more if he wishes). If this card causes the player's total points to exceed 21 (known as "breaking" or "busting") then he loses.
Additional Information
This map was created for a 24 hour challenge of creating a Minecraft map under the theme of "A game in a Game", where my game (Black Jack) was recreated in Minecraft with a limited time (roughly 6 hours).
As the Player who created this map I would like to say this idea was original by me, yet I know similar concepts do occur in other maps as well.
oh yea, don't check the red stone... It's not very efficient since i haven't played Mincraft in a few years.

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