In build and conquer, you must use your head to build a self-sustaining nation that can produce processed ores. Miners will mine precious ores for you, which you can put in a furnace to process them into useful items. Coal can go into steam turbines to provide electricity to your nation, and walls will slow down any enemies.
This map is meant to be played with two or more people, so your friends can come to your base, and use towers to destroy your buildings.
You must destroy their nation before they destroy yours! Use towers to destroy enemy bases and use rockets to shoot a deadly laser at enemy buildings. At the end, only one nation shall survive, and it shall be declared the supreme nation.
If you are playing on a server with your friends, you will need to supply them with this resourcepack. There one in the map itself, but here's one anyways.
If you have optifine installed, please turn off connected textures. If you leave it on, you will not be able to see any of the terrain and will most likely lose the game.
Making a video of my map
If you are kind enough to play this map and post it somewhere like YouTube, please remember that this map has taken me many months of work to finally complete, and I would like some sort of credit. If you are posting this map YouTube, please link the map trailer and my channel (found above) in the descriptions or something. Such a small thing can help me a lot ;)