Welcome to Craft Battles
The goal is simple. You are set in a room with other opponents along with a chest full of ingredients, two furnaces, and 2 crafting benches. You must follow the directions of the randomizer and craft the given item. If you craft the item fast than the other players, they will drop down a floor closer to a pool of lava. Failure to do so will cause you to drop instead. The game will continue on until only 1 player is left in the game. Who will win in this fast paced mini-game?
Play with 2-4 players ONLY
Do not look up answers unless everyone in your party agrees
Turn command blocks on
Stay in adventure mode
Difficulty Peaceful
More than one person can win a round
Items range from as easy as bread, to as difficult as a tripwire hook
This is V.1.0 if any hidden bugs are found, please report them so that this map can be updated
If you are recording this for Youtube, please give me credit by linking the map in the description. If you wish, leave a link of your video for me to watch

Download map Craft Battles
Craft_Battles.zip (922 kb)