In this new map called FlashMob, you try to recreate the lay-out of 9 mobs by just looking at the outline from different angles.
The map is made for 2-4 players, in 1.12.
Game mechanics
The game is very easy, simple load up the world and join. Once everybody joined, everybody has to pick a colour.
You can only have 1 player for every colour. The game starts after everyone picked a colour and no-one is in gamemode creative.
After a countdown, you should see the outline appear right in the center. Rush to your own shulker boxes with spawn eggs and try to recreate the layout of the mobs in your square.
You can't enter other's. The mobs you place down are semi-transparent and only visible to you. Some spawn eggs have extra information in their tooltip, make sure to read that.
Rounds and point distribution
There are 5 rounds, one round ends if a player completely filled his or her square or if the players took more than 75 seconds to finish, whatever happens first. The player with the most correctly placed mobs, gets a point. If it's a tie, all players with the highest amount get a point.
After 5 rounds, the player with the most points wins. Also here, if it's a tie, all players with the highest amount win. Between each round, you get time to compare the mobs in the center to the mobs you placed wrong. Both are visible for all players during this period of time. The next round will only start if all players are back in their squares.
Getting the map ready
The download is a .zip file, containing the world folder and a resource pack .zip file.
You might want to unzip the download, but don't extract the resource pack inside. Everyone has to place the resource pack file directly into the resourcepacks folder of minecraft.
As long as you have this resource pack on top, you can activate multiple resource packs if desired. Copy the other folder inside the downloaded .zip file to a server's main directory.
If you use a host with a graphical user interface, there is most likely an import button somewhere. You will have to fiddle around until it works.
Server Settings and the .jar file
Additional Info
Why are some mobs missing?
Some mobs are way too big for a 3x3 grid,
other mobs are too similar to others.
Too Big
Ender Dragon
Elder Guardian
Too Similar
Mule (compared to Donkey)
Cat (compared to Ocelot)
Stray (compared to Skeleton)
Shulker (compared to Slime)
Magma Cube (compared to Slime)
Evoker (Compared to Villager)
Vindicator (Compared to Villager or Zombie Villager)
Illusioner (Compared to Villager)
Zombie Pigman (Compared to Zombie)
YouTube and other means of sharing
Do not claim this map as your own under any circumstances.
Please give me (Bertiecrafter) credit and/or place a link to this page somewhere.
Besides the resource pack, please do not share the map directly to others, provide a link to this page instead.
Of course, I would enjoy a little comment if this ends up on YouTube, but it's not required.
Have fun!