Not working? Click here to download the map directly.
NOTES: Please make sure to download this essential resource pack: Modern HD 1.8
It is also optional to install any Shader's Mod Pack
Big thanks to DaxMatic for the help! You can check out his own modern creation here: ParadiseFalls
It has been a rigorous journey revamping and polishing our most successful map to date, we have garnered attention from YouTubers and Minecraft lovers alike, and from the opinions and criticisms we have decided to make this exotic vision even more beautiful.
Welcome to the Contemporary Mansion V2.
Fully renovated to be the likeness of a mansion rather than a large personal home, we have made several additions such as: a sauna, a bowling alley, a beautiful indoor pool, and many more things for you (and your friends :D) to see.
And of course, we have managed to retain the delicacy of the original map.
Here are the screenshots, and please enjoy your stay.