Greater Kansas City Metro is based very accurately and a 1:1 scaled map of Kansas City, Missouri. I have so far created most of the downtown Kansas City area including a ton of skyscrapers and buildings. All buildings are to have interior access. Some of the buildings I am still working on and expanding further out. I plan to build most of the KC Metro eventually. It will be expanded to the crossroads, Crown Center area, Midtown, Westport , Plaza and parts of South KC and over into Kansas across State Line will be added in. There are two skyscrapers within the map that do not exist in KC, one is "Traviston Tower Place" and the other "Phillipson Center".
The map itself went viral and was featured on KMBC 9 news.
This is only the beginning of a long journey upon building this map. I built "Kansas City and Beyond" before but it was on a smaller scale. This time I plan to go full throttle and build most all of Kansas City and on 1:1 scale!.
There is also a facebook group page for my project called "Kansas City Minecrafters". We have a server available for the map as well.
This is a beautiful City Map. Enjoy!