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Download Hierarchy for Minecraft 1.16.5

Yes, you are right, this is a REAL MOBA, in Minecraft, what more abnormal than that ?

Created by Gunivers, Hierarchy is a PvP map which needs at least 2 players. You can choose between 24 heroes each one with its own spells and its own combo. This map has 5 game modes and 4 fighting places.

Let's begin with the fighting places :

  • Arena: a small map, only one lane, no jungle
  • Ruins: a medium-sized map, three lanes + jungle
  • River: a big map, two lanes + jungle
  • Infection: a really small map for 1v1 and 2v2

    The goal is to drain all of the enemy tickets. The way of draining depends on the game mode :

    • Conquest:
      This is the common MOBA mode. Destroy every turret in a lane to reach the inhibitor. Once this inhibitor destroyed, look for the bulk and jump in it. Each jump and each turret destroyed will make your opponents lose tickets.
    • CTF: Capture the enemy flag and bring it back to yours. Each capture will make the enemy lose tickets.
    • Deathmatch: Kill your enemies to make them lose tickets, easy.
    • WTF?!: Changelog: Removed any form of logic.
    • Deroute: Kill your enemies but don't die, you have only one life. Perfect for competitve games.

      This map also has several gameplay elements that are present in most of the MOBA :

      • Fast messages (strategic messages easy to send)
      • Shop (potion buying)
      • Back (brings you back to your spawn to have your health and mana back)
      • Surrend (well.. surrend)
      • Jungle (Use dark paths to catch your opponents)

        Furthermore we have more or less useless and so essential items such as "Hats" which you can unlock by playing and by doing some challenges.

        More Information:

        • Official article
        • Our Discord server



          Download map Hierarchy

          Hierarchy_1.16.zip (42 mb)

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          Published 20.04.2021 by Gunivers