Welcome to my project! I've been working on this for a long time, since Dec 20th 2019 to be exact.
In this game you can explore, cook, fight, basically a poor man's BOTW.
And yes, the fog seen in the screenshots are 100% vanilla.
Do not try playing this with Optifine or Sodium, trust me I tried it's not worth it.
Also, it's not recommended you play this on a low-end computer. It works, but try to get something more powerful than a 2011 Mac book air.
There's a custom cooking system.
Toss the required items into a cauldron and see the results.
Do not spam items however, you're only supposed to cook one thing at a time. Expect glitches if you attempt to speed run it.
Bread can be cooked by tossing ONE egg and ONE wheat into the cauldron.
Press L to see your recipe book. This is an advancement chart that shows all the things you can make.
Each temple contains one eye of ender. These are used to open the End Portal. Duh.