Map Info:
This adventure map is based on the game Payday: The Heist. It features 3 playable heists and 1 bonus level, which should take 1-2 hours depending on play style. The map also includes Item shops, Custom mobs, 23 Achievements, hidden secrets & Easter eggs, all within high quality builds.
I started this map about a year ago but had to stop due to limitations of Minecraft but thankfully we had the Redstone update (Thanks Mojang :) which allowed me to finish it within a month. I dedicate this map to the Minecraft community, My family & friends and last but not least the YouTube community.
Recommend Texture pack:
Soartex Fanver
You could use any pack but this is the one i created the map with.
Links to Payday skins Thanks algernon93 for making these cool skins:
No mods are required for this map, it runs with completely Vanilla Minecraft
Important Setting's for Servers and single player:
Make sure your on at least easy: Map will tell you if your not.enable-command-block=true
CommandBlockOutput - false
doMobSpawning - false
doTileDrops - false
keepInventory - true
mobGriefing - false