The final installment of the Astral Adventure sees you once again taking on the challenge to find magic capsules and save your friends. With friends from both the Astral Realm, and the Earth Realm, you'll discover what exactly the Shadow has been up to and why exactly he wants you and your friends. Discover all-new worlds and solve the mystery laid before you.
Highlights of this map:
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to comment on this page or on my Youtube! If you like the map, please support me by subscribing to my PMC account and my Youtube.It is highly suggested to play the first to maps here (first one) and here (second one). NOTE: Make sure they are the same version of the maps as found on my Planet Minecraft page. This map is also better than the previous two due to more experience!
Thanks so much! (Also, feel free to hop in creative if you're stuck or really bad at parkour! Nothing in the map will stop you.)