The map is two player Co-Op and can not be played alone.
Soulbound is an advanced Puzzle/Adventure map packed with extreme action and suspense. The map is episodic with 12 individual levels, some being purely puzzle based, some having story and dialogue and some being boss fights.
Complete walkthrough of the map can be found here.
Bug report pre v1.3: If you got stuck in the last boss and he did not continue his battle:
Have one of you use /tp @p 0 70 0 then teleport back to the other player then use /setblock -49 39 -10 redstone_block. Apparently the worldborder unloaded the spawn chunk, this will fix it and the battle should continue from there.
Resource Packs
This map features separate resourcepacks for Player 1 & Player 2, you have to decide prior who of you is gonna be which. The main difference is that only Player 1 can initiate dialogue in the map and answer NPCs by clicking the chat. Player 1 fights with a bow and Player 2 with a sword.