Made by OneBadC4T & BlakeyBoy313
Map Info:
A young adventurer with high ambitions sets off to find the Old Oak, a tree normally told as an old legend that if found, contained riches beyond any adventurer's wildest dreams! However, when seasons came and went and the young boy still hadn't returned, his mother grew worrisome. It will now be your job to bring her closure, bring back either the whereabouts or the remains of her son, and finally locate the fabled tree.
Along the way, you will run into many obstacle's, more than a few NPC's, and even the occasional parkour challenge. The path to the Old Oak will not be easy traversable, and many challenges lie ahead. Blood will be spilled, so just hope it isn't yours.
Adventure map Co-Authored by Blakeyboy313 and OneBadC4t. Please comment, post scores, lets plays are greatly appreciated, and be looking for more of our maps including Pillars 2, The Darkest Night sequel, and my zombie map! Thank you! P.S. This is a short adventure 30 min. to one hour time may vary due to player.
1. Read all books and signs DO NOT ignore them.
2. Do not destroy blocks unless told to do so.
3. The only blocks that should be placed are redstone related blocks.
4. The map will tell you when to set your difficulty, and what to set it at.
5. Don't cheat! This will ruin the fun of the map!