Crash-landed in an ancient city inhabited by very talkative robots, your only hope of escape is to locate four ancient batteries known as sources. Build your way to victory with an infinite supply of holoblocks as you explore Sol Corp City and unravel its dark and mysterious past...
Totality is a scifi adventure map from the creator of Gloria, Monstrosity, and the adventure branch of Diversity 2. While the map is played in adventure mode, its gameplay takes inspiration from the CTM ("Complete the Monument") genre of maps. Dungeons are carefully designed to not only test your combat skills, but also your ability to build tactically. Shape your environment to your advantage to overcome the map's many challenges.
Additional Info
YouTube Policy: Feel free to stream/record, but please be considerate and leave a link to the map in your video's description.
The map can also be downloaded on CurseForge & PMC.
See other maps I've made by visiting my website: