
for Minecarft v1.12 6,497 views

Download Titanic for Minecraft 1.12

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The most popular ship in history recreated in minecraft with insane attention to details!

This build is in 1:1 scale and almost identical to the original. My goal was to make it as similar as I could. To achieve that goal, I used various resources such as Titanic Deckplans website...

I have been working on this project for more than 2 years and I'll continue to improve this build as much as I can, so please leave feedback and report any mistakes/bugs on my WEBSITE.

Useful Info

  • You will be spawned in adventure game mode. Be sure to play in peaceful difficulty.
  • You will spawn on the nearby ship so peddle over to the Titanic and climb on the ladder to get inside the ship.
  • Note that I am aware that a lot of signs aren't fully/properly written (I will work on that in the next update). Btw all the paintings on the ship disappeared (I will also work on that in the next update).
  • This build will be used in Titanic Survival 2 which is coming soon! Till it comes out you can play Titanic Survival 1.
  • YouTubers

    If you are a YOUTUBER, I would appreciate to put the link of this page in the description of your video or link to my Youtube channel.


    For more info about this build head over to my WEBSITE.

    Check out my YOUTUBE to see how I made the RMS Titanic and be sure to follow me on TWITTER to see updates of my upcoming maps!

    And lastly, if you really like my work, you can always donate via PAYPAL.


    Download map Titanic

    RMS Titanic by Skolion.zip (1 mb)

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    Published 2.08.2017 by Skolion