AcidIslands 1.0

for Minecarft v1.20.1 710 views

Download AcidIslands 1.0 for Minecraft 1.20.1

AcidIslands by Szchy (Sizuch), poprostuKrzychu and kolikono!

AcidIslands is a map where you will spawn on a small island surrounded by the ocean and a border.
Expand the border by completing challenges, explore new islands, but be careful with the water!
Water and rain are poisonous and any contact with them may result in death.

You can check "Challenges" tab in advancements to see map challenges but if you prefer a book theres one waiting for you on main island.

1. Download the map file.
2. Put .zip file that you downloaded to %appdata% -> .minecraft -> saves.
3. Unzip the file you downloaded.
4. In minecraft go to singleplayer and choose "AcidIslands".


Download map AcidIslands 1.0 (5 mb)

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Published 22.12.2023 by Szchy