Welcome to Skylandia !
In this survival map, there are 5 different huge islands, called skylands.
- Green Skyland:
Standard, beginning skyland. A mixture of plains and forest.It's dungeon is "Underground Mines".
- Desert Skyland:
Another large skyland with a big pyramid as a dungeon. It was once home of Ramesses.
- Mesa Skyland:
Medium-sized skyland. It's dungeon is "The Worm Cave".
- Snowy Skyland:
A cold, mountainous skyland with spruce forest. Home for the legendary Santa. A fun surprise is waiting for you here.
- Nether Skyland:
Small skyland with an Underground Hell Fortress. Extremely tough, hard and difficult to conquer. Choosing this as final skyland is recommended. Go there with full set of diamonds.
Play on at least easy, normal is recommended. Don't change it to peaceful or you won't be able to see the Santa.
Every dungeon in every skyland has a treasure chest, one is hidden. There are awesome caves as well, so I recommend digging down :).
Emerald and quartz spawn underground in every skyland. Watch out for lavas. Your objective is to survive in skylands and conquer all the dungeons. I have worked so hard for this map, hope you enjoy !
Good luck and have fun !