This is a sequel of The Rubix Cube map and if you didn't play that map i suggest you do.
This Map has 3 endings. If you want to get all endings reset the map. I tried my best to make it playable multiple times without resetting but it was very hard to do to all things in the map. Sorry
This Map was Made By UzairCat with the help from xa_65.
If you find any bugs comment it and i will try to fix it.
The Map Render Distance must be at 26 or more because of the command blocks.Blame me and /setblock command!
If you would like to become part of my mapmaker team you can by applying here.
If you want to become a beta tester,know information before i comment it on this website or Youtube or ask questions you can by joining my discord server
You have chosen to become the rainbow guardian a couple of weeks ago and the ancient book has been stolen by PINK.
You have to get the book by sneaking in her facility and try to go into her office.
Q1. I finished the map and got my first ending but what if i want to play the map again?
A. You must reset the map as i informed on top.
Q2 .I am stuck because i can't find a key.What must i do
A. You Can join my discord server and i can tell you in a couple of minutes if i am busy because i use discord often,comment in the comments of this website or look on youtube for a youtuber that played my map and look what they did.
Q3. I found a bug in the map. What must i do?
A. You can inform me in my discord server, comment on this website or comment on my youtube videos.
Version 1.1.2:
- Manager Office is no more under construction.
- Fixed some dialogues to be readable.
- Now The Secret Room Needs 6 redstone instead of 5 to make the map longer.
Version 1.1.1:
- The Occupied Bathroom is actually occupied :)
- Torture Room can be opened.
- New Key.
- You can now get the good ending.I was a dummy by forgetting to put the 5th redstone in 1 of the chests.
- 2 dialogues have spaces so you can read it a bit better.I will fix more in the future.