Story Summary:
The world is changing fast and technology has reached new levels, putting endless sources of power in the hands of corruptible men. In this story you play as Michael Estrange, a test subject for a skyline housing project that's powered by an unexplainable source. Strange things seem to be happening and you suspect it might be effects of the new power source. It's up to you to find a way off the ship and locate and destroy the source of the paranormal activity that's sweeping through your technologically advanced world.
This map was created for Minecraft 1.4 And Snapshots 12w40a+ / Does NOT work with 1.3 versions or some older snapshots.
Additional Info: Map is 76.5 MB
Minor redstone annoyances.
Patched areas that you could fall into and get stuck.
A Walkthrough of the Paranoia map, by request: This walkthrough may also help for those who don't understand the story.
Download Walkthrough