Map Trailer
Suggested Resource Pack (not included)
It's your first morning in a new town. The town seems a little strange but at least you found a Polaroid Camera. Is it the town that seems odd, or is it the Polaroid?
Many Interactive Points all around the map.
Lots of jump-scares and loud sounds.
Not for the faint of heart.
The Asphyxious CustomPack (16x16) made by Asphyxiousis is the recommended resource pack to use.
Gameplay time: 15 - 25 Minutes
Warning: There is a tiny glitch, subtitles may repeat themselves & You may be teleported twice.
Do not change gamemode, stay in Adventure Mode.
Do not grief or exploit map.
Please take your time with the map, rushing can cause confusion.
Don't press F5.
Please give credit to map makers and texture pack creators.
If you record, include credit & Map Link.
Single Player Recommended but you may try Multiplayer.
Brightness: Moody Chunks : 10
Graphics : Fast
Master Volume : 100%
Music : OFF
Particles : All
Map Creators
MoondustBri, ResSteel, Panda, Yarnisa, Zer0, Faith.
Map Director