Carter Jones finally goes on vacation with his wife Carrie Jones, unfortunately they had to take a train because of expenses.
Everything was quite lovely until people show up dead. Seeing the panic rush through passengers, Carter tries to find a way out after discovering the murder locked them in the train.
Play as Carter, Help him solve puzzles, and find out who is the murderer!
Suggested Resource Pack
Many Interactive Points all around the map.
Contains Puzzles and light parkour.
Grace & Fortune made by Mystical
Spire is the recommended resource pack to use.
Gameplay time : 30 minutes - 1 hour
Warning: There is tiny glitch, subtitles may repeat themselves & You may be teleported twice. This may be prevented by playing in single player and taking your time playing the map.
Do not change gamemode, stay in Adventure Mode.
Do not grief map, exploit map, or take from armor stands.
Please take your time with the map, rushing can cause confusion.
Don't press F5.
Do not press buttons or open chests more than once.
Please give credit to map makers and texture pack creators.
If you record, include credit & Map Link.
Single Player Recommended but you may try Multiplayer.
Optifine Required/Dynamic Lighting for interactive lighting.
Brightness: Moody
Chunks: 15
Graphics: Fast
Master Volume: 100%
Music: OFF
Particles: All
Optifine Required/Dynamic Lighting for interactive lighting.
Play in 1.12.2

Download map Northern Express (22 mb)