Puzzle Grid Extended

for Minecarft v1.16.1 1,969 views

Download Puzzle Grid Extended for Minecraft 1.16.1

This is the longer sequel to Puzzle Grid. In this map the goal is to unlock all of the rooms in the grid and get to the end. To do this, you have to solve puzzles. However, the puzzles aren't solvable right away, sometimes you need to do something in a room to solve the puzzle in another room. With each room unlocked, the playing field grows and looking for a solution becomes harder! This map is a lot longer than the previous Puzzle Grid, so grab some snacks and enjoy!


  1. Don't use commands
  2. Render distance: 8+ chunks
  3. Gamemode adventure
  4. Minecraft version 1.16.1
  5. For servers: enable command blocks
  6. For servers: Install the resource pack inside the map folder, named "resources.zip"
  7. Have fun!
  8. Screenshots

    Download map Puzzle Grid Extended

    Puzzle_Grid_Extended_by_PurpleStriped.zip (5 mb)

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    Published 31.07.2020 by PurpleStriped