Roselit Rush is the 22nd entry to the Quickfire Event Map series from the CTM Community. Quickfires are Map-Making events in the CTMC where participants must build a CTM Dungeon in one hour given a random theme.
Like most CTMs, the gameplay primarily consists of several dungeons filled with loot and monsters, featuring an objective that must be retrieved and safely returned to the monument. This map puts a twist on that concept. An additional time limit and coin system is featured in this map, quantifying the players' speed, completion, and survivability.
How to Play
Quickfire Flame: The primary obstacle of the map. A yellow timer that must be maintained throughout your journey. Has a maximum of 20 Minutes. Coins must be used to add additional time to the flame when necessary. When the Quickfire Flame runs out of time, coins are rapidly drained from players. If no coins are available for the Quickfire Flame, you lose!
Dungeon Timer: A purple timer assigned to each dungeon. This timer displays the amount of time to gain coins in a dungeon. This timer begins at 10 minutes per dungeon. Magic Clocks can be found to increase dungeon time by 15 Seconds. When this timer runs out, additional coins obtained in the dungeon will be worthless, and the objective's location will be revealed with glowing.
Big Candles: Large pink candles, being every dungeon's objective. These candles must be located in every dungeon and safely returned to the dungeon's mini-monument in order to complete the dungeon and proceed to the next.
Obtaining Coins:
Spawner Gems: Worth 10 Coins. Dropped by Spawners and can rarely be found in Loot Chests.
Spawner Shards: Worth 1 Coin. 10% Chance to drop from Monsters and can commonly be found in Loot Chests.
Dungeon Timer Bank: After completing a dungeon, every 20 seconds remaining on the Dungeon Timer will be exchanged for 1 Banked Coin.
Quickfire Flame Bank: After completing all 21 dungeons, the remaining Quickfire Flame will be converted to Banked Coins. The conversion rate is difficulty dependent.
Losing Coins:
Death: While you keep your items on death, your coins will be dropped after dying. 20% of dropped coins are taken as a fee.
Quickfire Fuel: Coins must be consumed in order to maintain the Quickfire Flame. The cost of coins is dependent on the difficulty
Empty Quickfire Flame: When the Quickfire Flame runs out of time, Coins are rapidly drained from players. Once all player coins are drained, banked coins are drained.
Preserving Coins:
Banked Coins: Coins stored in the bank can not be lost on death, but may still be used to fuel the Quickfire Flame.
Dungeon Completion: After completing a dungeon, all players' coins will be safely banked with no fee.
Early Bank: While inside dungeons, players have the choice to safely bank their coins early at a 10% fee.
Loot: In each dungeon, loot is provided in various ways that give the player the equipment and utilities needed to conquer the dungeons. This can be found in chests, item frames, and other containers.
Monsters: Each dungeon is filled with monsters whose goal is to obstruct the player from completing the dungeons. Monsters have a small chance to drop Spawner Shards & Magic Clocks, and can rarely drop valuable equipment for the player to use.
Objective: As mentioned above, Big Candles have been placed in each dungeon. These must be located and safely returned to the dungeon's mini-monument in order to complete the dungeon, unlock the next, and safely return to the Central Monument.
Central Monument: The safe space for players. The spawn location and central base for players. Quickfire Flame is inactive here. While here, players can safely reorganize themselves, store their items, and prepare for upcoming dungeons. While here, progress is tracked on displays, and players can view their statistics.
Difficulty Settings
Instead of traditional game difficulty, the difficulty of this map is determined by the cost to add time to the Quickfire Flame. The base game difficulty is locked to Normal.
Peacefulfire: 0 Coins for 60 Seconds of Quickfire Flame. While adding time to the Quickfire Flame has no cost, it still must be maintained. This difficulty is for players unfamiliar with the CTM Genre, or as a practice mode to familiarize yourself with the map.
Quickfire (Default): 25 Coins for 60 Seconds of Quickfire Flame. On average, a spawner must be broken every 24 seconds to break even. This is the experience recommended for most CTM players' first time playing the map. Stronger CTM players should be able to easily conquer this difficulty.
Hellfire: 25 Coins for 30 Seconds of Quickfire Flame. On average, a spawner must be broken every 12 seconds to break even. This difficulty requires players to be twice as efficient as they would on the default difficulty. This is the experience recommended for stronger CTM players, or players replaying the map after completing easier difficulties.
Yes! The map is very multiplayer friendly and even has additional features to support it.
Multiplayer Quickfire Flame: When the game has begun with 2+ Players, this mode is enabled. This mode reduces the maximum Quickfire Flame from 20 to 10 Minutes. This is to compensate for the significant reduction in difficulty playing this map in multiplayer brings.
Resyncing: If a player joins the session after a dungeon has already begun, or joins from an older location, they will be automatically relocated to the correct location. Coins are automatically banked when this happens.
Statistics: This map keeps track of deaths, coins collected, objectives placed, and mobs killed. This stats can be individually checked at the Central Monument, and are cycled on the sidebar after map completion so you and your friends can compare. (Not limited to Multiplayer)
The CTM Community
This map was made possible by the CTM Community. Interested in a community full of enjoyers of the Complete The Monument genre of Minecraft Maps? This community welcomes you with open arms full of a variety of map makers, map players, and content creators. Every part of this map was made possible by the wonderful talent of this community and you could be a part of the next one! Feel free to join the official CTM Community Discord!
How many coins can you escape with?

Download map Quickfire #22: Roselit Rush 1.0 (12 mb)