Moving Snake Parkour

for Minecarft v1.10.2 1,542 views

Download Moving Snake Parkour for Minecraft 1.10.2

Welcome to Moving Snake Parkour! Have you ever played snake parkour? Probably. Was it fun? Sure. But was it actually moving like a real snake? No, most likely not.

Now you can parkour on a real snake! "How does it work?" you ask. The snake follows the path of colored dots from the beginning pipe to the ending one. Jump, hop, and find your way to the end with confusing twists and turns that'll make you rage (possibly). But watch out as the snake can split and go thru itself! Things can get tricky :P

There are a total of 9 levels. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Black, and White. The levels get progressively harder.


  • This map is for Singleplayer mode.
  • Make sure to play in 1.10.2
  • Credits

    • Redstone and mechanics designing was done by ConquerCraft.
    • Spawns, levels and building was done by Archist.
    • Screenshots

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      Published 6.01.2017 by TheDerpCrew