Intensity: A Study of Colors

for Minecarft v1.12.2 666 views

Download Intensity: A Study of Colors for Minecraft 1.12.2

Welcome to Intensity: A Study of Colors. In this map, there will be 20 levels in which you will match the beacon to your left to the beacon on your right.

The levels will start out simple and become more complicated as you go along.

In each room, there will be a chest. In each chest, there are five items:

  • The How to Play Book
  • The Rule Book
  • The Color Remover: Removes color that you don’t need.
  • The Levitator: Allows you to reach high up.
  • Colors: These are what you place on top of each other in order to match the color of the beacon.
  • In each room are also colors on the wall. These colors give you a range of what colors might be used to make the beacon to your right.

    However, NOT EVERY COLOR WILL ALWAYS BE USED. Only 1-6 colors can be used in each room. As time goes on, more and more colors will be placed on the wall.

    This means that the range of colors to use are a lot broader and therefore you must rely on yourself more than the walls to match the color of the beacon. You will also only use each color once.

    Finally, there is a button titled “Check Answer.” Once you place the colors you need to match the color, press this button to see if you’re right.

    If nothing happens, you are wrong. If you are teleported to the next room, you are correct and you can move on to the next level.

    Placing Colors

    The way you place colors matter.

    You must stack one on top of each other, and the order also matters: Red (bottom) Orange Yellow Lime Green Cyan Light Blue Blue Purple Magenta
Pink White Light Gray Gray Black Brown (top).

    If you do not use this order to place the colors in the correct order, you answer is wrong.


    • 1. Singleplayer only.
    • 2. Play in adventure mode.
    • 3. Play in peaceful mode.
    • 4. If you run out of a color, feel free to go into creative mode to get more, but then return to adventure mode.
    • 5. Do not cheat.
    • 6. Have fun!
    • Screenshots

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      Published 4.01.2018 by BLFunny